We partner with ambitious leaders to imagine and deliver transformational change for their business in the face of critical market disruption.
We take bold leaps to find new purpose for your business. We explore future market scenarios to identify fresh possibility and new opportunity.
Our focus is on inflection point change. We are passionate about creating new trajectories that are both significant in value and sustainable for our clients, their teams, and their customers.
Our outsider-in status gives us unique permissions to imagine new paths to growth and new futures – what’s possible desirable and achievable.
Our real ‘secret’ is we actually do the work with you.
We both devise the optimum future scenario and we work with you to make that scenario a reality.
We conceive valuable new destinations by unifying outsider market thinking with undiscovered potential in your business.
We uncover, imagine and deliver novel market value for ambitious firms and their shareholders.
We roll up our sleeves, and work side by side with you, to effect significant and sustainable change in dynamic marketplaces, and to create shared and lasting value.
Acquirer Systems
Irish Medtech Association
Retail in Motion
Cornerstone Mutual Services
Government of Ireland
HP Autonomy
Irish Banking Federation
London Mutual
With hands-on expertise of building and advising firms in high tech, retail, manufacturing, and financial services, we add an entrepreneurial layer to your core team to help you define and transition to new and valuable spaces at a pace required to combat disruptive change.
We bring strategic scalability to all our engagements, drawing on a skilled array of talent we can deploy agile teams and adapt to specific challenges.